Lightening up the space, clearing the clutter, and styling for the season is what designers are recommending to freshen your space for spring.
At Baldwin Hardwoods, we’re always tuned into the latest in interior design, and wanted to share a few Spring trends that caught our attention.
Bring the Outdoors In – Style for the Season
The first signs of spring have started awakening the world outside – flowers are beginning to bud and bloom, tree leaves are turning green, and the days are getting longer.
“Branches cut from trees and plants in the yard can provide an appealing seasonal touch”, said Brittany Hakimfar, of Far Studio. “It doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. A lot of times when we do a photo shoot, we just go outside and literally cut the branches from the yard,” she said. “That can really add to the space.”
How to do it:
- Bring living plants into your space and open up shades for optimal sunlight
- Utilize branches, flowers, and greens from your own yard or Farmers Market
- Put branches or florals in a vase that matches the season

Lighten up the Space – Shake Winter Off
Many homes adjust during the colder, harsh weather months with the addition of heavy plastic boot trays and thicker, catch-all rugs. “Once you’re relatively certain the last snowstorm has passed, be sure to remove them” (McKeough, New York Times).
How to do it:
- Consider summery replacements – lighter fabrics and colors
- Plastic bottomed boot trays could be replaced with open wooden shoe racks

Clear the Clutter – Create a Place for Every Little Thing
A big component of refreshing for spring is making your space feel lighter and brighter. Unnecessary clutter can weigh your space down.
“You want to be set up for success,” Dr. Lark said. “I do everything I can think of to increase the likelihood that I will be able to access what I need when I need it, and to put things away just as effortlessly.” One option, she suggested, is to use a series of containers for specific items on a credenza or console.
How to do it:
- A live edge wood entry table can bring in the warmth of natural materials and give you a space to set keys, mail, etc instead of bringing them into main living areas.
- Shoes & jackets often get dedicated spaces, but don’t forget about smaller items such as sunglasses, chapstick, wallets, keys. Utilizing small baskets or bins to capture these items can help your space feel more organized.

Read more here.